Sunday 9 August 2009


A couple of days ago I talked to my mother about how I always stayed inside alone while all my friends were outside playing together, when I was little. Apparently she was a little worried about me back then, because I was so different.

I'm not like that anymore. Just maybe a little bit. But in order to prove that I have improved and like to be OUTdoors, I got myself two friends and made them go on a bike tour around the Lake of Constance with me.
The Lake of Constance is one of the biggest lakes in Europe, its 273 km long shore is shared by Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
So we basically rode 273 kilometers in 5 days and crossed three countries. We slept in a tent, washed ourselves in the lake and had campfires to grill our food. Pretty outdoorsy, right?

Here's my friends. They are named M. & M., we used to live together in Ireland, where they used to jog around a way smaller lake almost every day (Lough Atalia in Galway *wipetear*) and they have no idea that I post a picture of them on the internet, hope they won't sue me:
They are on a ferry. I don't lie, if I say that we made the whole way around the lake with our bikes. But we still had to get on a ferry at some point. That's an annoying and long story and I don't feel like telling it. It's not very interesting anyway. Just annoying and long.
I'll rather tell you about the monkeys.
At the edge of Germany, there's a hill inhabited by monkeys. They sit on a fence and eat popcorn.
Salty or sweet??? Neither nor. They eat popcorn without salt and sugar. Can you imagine?
They are cute, but you better not pet them, they might bite.
I like the monkey hill a lot. It's great for children and even more awsome for twenty-somethings, too. I mean... you get to feed monkeys with popcorn...!!!!!
M. loved the monkeys, too. I think monkeys are his favourite animals. He's hard to satisfy, but I think he liked feeding mokeys with popcorn.

Apart from that he likes having campfires a lot. He would have loved to have one every night. In the end, we had only, two, but those were pretty good.

When we had to pee, we stopped just somewhere and found something to eat, like these tasty raspberries in M.'s hand, which she generously shared with me. Sweet! Thanks, M.! :)
When we got thirsty, we mostly stopped at typically German beer gardens. Here's a picture of a NIO with an Almdudler, that I didn't drink.

Well, in the end I had a good time. And I want to say "Thank you" to M & M for coming with me. Or for making me come with you. I will miss you guys a lot and I'm looking forward to the "Vortexian Harry Potter Butterbeer Competition" in December. Time's gonna fly. At least for me.

Over and Out. Nio <3