Sunday 19 July 2009

Out in cinemas this July...

Obviously, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. (Sorry, Mel.)
I just came back from the movies, where I enjoyed 153 magic minutes together with my friends Julie and Marilyn.
What can I say? I loved it. Unsurprisingly, as I loved all the HP movies, except for the first two, so far. David Yates has done a great job once again, and he's not the only one.
There's Alan Rickman, my beloved Severus, who can kill whoever he wants, I'll still love him. Just look at his face, when himself, Dumbledore and Slughorn gather in the hospital after Ron was poisened and Lavender Brown pulls a goofy lovestruck maniac in front of him... priceless.

Then there's Luna. Freak. But you've got to love her.
I'm also happy they didn't cut out Tonks completely (because wasn't it her in the books, who found Harry in the train after he was paralized by Draco?). Marry me, Natalia Tena!
Oh and Michael Gambon. Good job. I'm looking forward to seeing you at world's end in some deserted space talking to crabs. Oh no, wait that was Johnny Depp in PotC, right? What was Dumbledore talking to? A screaming baby, something?

Anyway... I wonder why gay websites (such as AE, eg) review on Harry Potter movies. Is it really just because JKR admitted that Dumbledore is gay? It doesn't come up in the movies at all at all. Neither does it in the books. So?
Does the fact that the inventor of a fictional character confirms the character's gayness automatically turn the books and movies the character's in into gay books and gay movies? Even if he doesn't act gay once in seven years? I don't think so. So what's all the fuzz about?
I think gay people just like wearing "Dumbledore's Army" T shirts and because they don't want to seem childish, they welcome the hidden meaning that the DA-phrase got when Rowling first commented on Albus' sexuality.
No offence. I'm Dumbledore's Woman, through and through and I think it's great. *lol* I just don't think Harry Potter has anything at all to do with being gay.

I kind of got lost in my film review, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, what I liked about the movie.

I liked that they chose the Cliffs of Moher as THE cliffs. Made me feel at home.
I liked the waitress Harry was hitting on in the beginning.
I liked Snape.
I liked that they showed a quidditch match.
I liked the scene with Slughorn in the Three Boomsticks, when he pours his butterbeer all over Hermione.
I liked Snape.
I liked the look on Harry's felix feliciis face, when Hagrid falls asleep drunk against the wall.
I liked Slughorn's speech for Aragog, RIP.
I liked Snape.

There's also things I didn't like.

I didn't like Hermione's dress for Slughorn's party.
I didn't like the pigmypuff on Ginny's shoulder. WTF? It's supposed to be cute and plushy and twee and dinky. Not to look like a pink, sick, bitten-by-a-gremlin furby.
I didn't like that Harry just stood up on that cute waitress in the beginning of the movie. Wouldn't it have been really cool, if he'd just told Dumbledore to f*** off, because he's on holidays and went out with the waitress? He could have taken her to some nice Irish Pub and who knows, maybe everything would have went different and some nice, funny, witty, about 150 year old gay person with long gray hair and beard would still be alive for the next movie. Just saying...
Oh and what was that running around in fields in the middle of the night, chasing Bella all about? That was not in the books. It was a long, major scene, that was not in the books and ended in burning down the Burrow completely. Hullo? You can't just burn down the burrow without an explanation, especially if it's not even in the books. It didn't even have any consequences.
Okay, I see why the house can't be destroyed throughout book seven, when there's no wedding between Bill and Fleur, because Bill doesn't even exist in the movies and so you have to find another way of destroying the house... bla... but THIS was random. You could just have married Remus and Tonks. Or Ron and Hermione. Or Harry and Hermione. Or Fred and George!
Anything could have led to a destruction of the Burrow (especially the latter).
And I'm not even sure whether the Burrow was destroyed during a wedding.

I also would have liked to see more memories of Dumbledore concerning Tom Riddle's life. Like the one with Tom's daddy and his sister and all that.

But anyway. I enjoyed the movie a lot. I liked Snape.
Over and out, Nio.


  1. hach, ich ha dich schon sehr lieb ^^
    und die cliffs of moher im film auch, jap, muss ich auch sehr zugeben.
    what *I* also liked: post-movie plans of butterbeer competition. yesyes.

  2. Oh yes, I liked THAT, too. Can't wait. I'm already preparing for my first experiments with tasty beer, hot butter and a hell lot of explosives. Muha!
