Tuesday 7 July 2009

Out of what?

So... this is my third blog.

I can't even remember what the first one was called, but I know it was boring to read, even for myself. So nobody did and I deleted it.
The second one was more fun for a little while. But not much was going on at the time, neither in my life nor in my mind, so I ran out of topics to talk about quickly and forgot about that blog, too. It was called penny-royal tea (sit and drink pennyroyal tea, distill the life that's inside of me...). I liked the title. Too bad there wasn't a lot of life to distill inside of me. That was about four years ago. Back then, when I had just finished school, I was completely inside things.
I was happy about my graduation, happy about my very supportive family, happy with my little job at a gift store. I was in a theatre group and also in a committed relationship with a really nice guy. I was into writing poetry, going to the movies, I was into Ireland and Harry Potter.
I was in love. I was living in peace and the only thing I was not in was probably pain.
I've come a long way since.
It all started with moving out of my parents'. But who would have thought that this would only be the first thing in a long line of things I was about to walk out of.
Now, I am out of money, most of the time. I am also out of the closet. I just this morning ran out of potatos. I am out of my mind a lot. And since I dropped out of college yesterday, my life feels a little out of controle.

I'm not out of hope and ideas, yet. But as I am out of other thing to do, I will tell you little (coming) out stories here...

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