Wednesday 8 July 2009

trying to figure Out...

So... I recently dropped out of college.
The college doesn't know yet. But my parents do.
I was really scared to tell them, afterall they spent a shitload of money on my education during the past couple of years. I felt like a loser and complete disappointment to my mom and dad, when I sobbed my drop-out plans into the telephone receiver.
My mom was cool, though. She said she still loved me and if I wanted to, she would take all the boxes with gift wrap out of my old room and I could come back home to live in it and she'd make me breakfast and a hot water bottle.
Then she said I needed to find something else to do.
So I started looking around for possibilities. Here's what I found:

1. Finish my English studies at my current college and start studying German here, too.

2. Continue my English studies at the university in my hometown and start doing Gender Studies there, too.

3. Forget about my English studies, too and start looking for an internship that keeps me busy and my parents satisfied while I figure out what I actually want to do.

4. Apply for random subjects at universities all over the country.

5. Do nothing and live on the public's euro.

Seriously? All these possibilities suck. Some more than others. Here's what I like about each and every one of them:

Number 1 would be easy. I wouldn't have to move. I wouldn't have to do much at all. But it would take years for me to finish these German studies and I really never wanted to study German in the first place.

Number 2 would be cool, because it would be a quick way to finish my studies and I could live with my parents and have my mom make me breakfast and hot water bottles all the time. Then again, moving back in with my parents would feel like a step backwards. I would actually go back into things. And this is supposed to be a story about my way out of things.

Number three would probably make the most sense. It would be nice to have some time to figure out what I want to do. I'd probably end up wanting to become a doctor or a comedian or a professional dancer, though. And I would have wasted another year.

Number four would be fun. I might do that in any case. Just for the fun of being accepted and rejected for things like "applied creative writing" and "farming" and "IT security".

Number 5 would b a comfortable solution, of course. But in the end I imagine it to be really boring and boring is bad. Also, I think my parents would freak out. And they would be in the right...

So I think I'll chose a combination of 1,2 and 4 and see where I'll end up.
This whole thing feels insane. And exciting.

My dad, by the way, was a bit grumpy when he heard about my plans. He told me I'd better be finished with my studies before my brother starts university, because he can't afford to pay for two of us.
That's the same thing he said 4 years ago, when I first started college. Back then thought "well, I got 7 years, so that won't be a problem."
Now I got three years left and am starting all over again. Way to go.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe u started to blog and didn't tell me... Pah! ;-)

    Well, I'm sure u'll find ur way. During my studies I had many thoughts concerning quitting university. And I'm still not that sure if I'm doing the right thing.
    Don't rush. Take ur time!!
